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Words and images from the heartland of Australia

Mandy McKeesick is an award-winning Australian writer and photographer who shares stories for, and about, the bush.


One day you’ll find her sitting down for a cuppa with the president of a national farming organisation, the next bouncing along an outback track with an Indigenous land manager. Whether she’s promoting young agricultural leaders or the quiet-achieving trainer on a remote race-track out the back of Bourke Mandy brings you the real Australia.  


Mandy has worked in the deserts of Western Australia as an exploration geologist, on fishing boats in the Tasman Sea, in an opal mine near Lightning Ridge and on beef properties across northern New South Wales and central Queensland.


Mandy is inspired by the people and places of rural Australia. It is where her heart belongs, and where her words and images are free to sing. 


See her stories in national publications such as R.M. Williams Outback, Australian Geographic and Australian Traveller, or in blog posts and media releases for organisations such as Action4Agriculture.


Contact Mandy to see your own Australian story told in evocative words and photographs.

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"Mandy writes with strength and intelligence, and brings an authentic voice to her work. She lives in the bush. This underpins her perspective and integrity, resonates with her subjects, and is reflected in the stories and photography regularly enjoyed by the readers of R.M.Williams OUTBACK magazine."


Mark Muller

Editor-in-Chief - RM Williams Publishing Pty Ltd

" An opal-hearted country, A wilful, lavish land - 
All you who have not loved her, You will not understand"

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